95: What I’ve Learned

Greetings everyone! Welcome to episode 95 of the Outta Toon Podcast! We’re speeding quickly toward episode 100 and I’m ready for it how about you? As I prepare to celebrate my birthday in a couple weeks I reflect on just what the heck I’ve done over my life. What have I accomplished? What have I learned? I’ve come to realize recently that I’ve only learned one thing about life. I think it is the actual “Secret of Life!” Fortunately, I share my knowledge in this very episode so you can now know it too. Sorry the episode is a bit long but it’s the secret to life, people! What did you expect?? Geez. See you again soon.

92: This Too Shall Pass

A return visit from pain has slowed me down the past few days but at this point everything seems to be looking up. I have new understandings about the body and also about who I am. Okay, yeah, this show is a bit metaphysical. Maybe a little spiritual. Not in a bad way, though. I’m having a cold one on this St. Patrick’s Day, how about you? Erin go Bragh!

23: Forgive Me

I’m concerned about my neighbor. Haven’t seen her in awhile. Has she met with foul play? How would I know? Should I call the cops? Maybe it’s nothing and I’ll look like a meddler. I don’t know what the rules are. I heard someone talk about forgiveness and it caused me to think about it a bit. I’m wondering if we all understand forgiveness at all. Forgive me if you do. See you Monday.

16: My Date With 2022

Apocaleptic 16 My Date

Goodbye 2022, ya bastard. For me, the year was full of loss but, strangely, I came out totally fine. I’m doing good how about you? I said goodbye to some friends, family members and company activities. I ate some good food and watched some great documentaries. I grew spiritually. I made some jokes about poop. Never let them typecast you!  I found a couple new favorites this year like the music of Adeem The Artist and the spiritual works of Clare Dimond. Flogging Molly‘s new album restored my faith in legacy bands. Thanks to everyone who came on the Apocaleptic journey with me this year. Here’s to an even better 2023!