About Outta Toon Podcast
A weekly, solo podcast from Atlanta hosted by cartoonist Rick Baldwin. Part stand-up comedy, part one-man-show and part social project, this show blends humor with interviews, stories, facts and trivia. Outta Toon Podcast is the off-kilter roadmap for decent people trying to navigate an unpredictable world. New episodes every Monday.
I began podcasting in 2013 as cohost of the Life In A Kilt Podcast. In 2016, that podcast morphed into This Epic Disaster which I cohosted until 2022 and after its sudden and unplanned demise, I set out to create a solo podcast. That’s when Apocaleptic was born, eventually renamed the Outta Toon Podcast. But that’s enough with the names. I’ll be settling here for awhile.
I didn’t want to recreate the same podcasts I’d done in the past but I did want to take a few of the ideas and concepts and bits I’ve had fun with before and make them fit this new format, Doing a solo podcast is an entirely different monster. I had very good chemistry with my former podcast partner but I knew I wouldn’t be bringing that to a new podcast. Much of the interest has to be in the content and in the guests, which I intend to have a much larger presence than in my previous podcasts. I love improv comedy and, in many ways, doing a solo podcast is a lot like improv. It’s a very similar energy.
Outta Toon Podcast is about life out of tune. My life. Your life. We’re all a bit off-kilter. But it’s also about how to get back into tune as well. Hints on survival, healing, coping. I’ve watched how our world and our society has changed so much in the past ten years. Perhaps it’s just because I’m an old guy now but I do hear many people of all ages saying they kind of feel lost. They don’t know the rules any more. It seems that good people are getting pushed behind while mean people are getting rewarded. I wanted to create a show that helps those who choose to continue being decent people have a place to hang out. To laugh at this insane world and try not to go insane while living in it. That’s what it’s all about anyway. I encourage everyone to grab life by whatever part you can hold on to. Have a cold beer, great pizza, hot sex and catch a few good Netflix movies while you can. If you’re lucky, all at the same time.
Most of all, Outta Toon Podcast is for and about the listeners. I’ve created so many options for everyone to get in touch with me at the podcast, from email to social media to the Outta Toon Listener Line (678-348-0008). I need the listeners to be my cohost for this show. I do hope you’ll come along. It’s is your show after all.
New episodes every Monday. Interview shows on Thursdays when I have a guest. All from the studio in Atlanta. Download and subscribe here.