113: Can I See Some ID?

Can I See Some ID?

This week I’m getting into some new jazz music, approaching strangers in supermarket parking lots and getting carded for being too old. Is this what the holidays are all about?? It’s no wonder the Grinch’s heart was two sizes too small. See ya next week friends.

101: The Triumphant Return

Didn’t expect a 3 month delay but, hey, we’re back! I ran outta gas! I had a flat tire! I didn’t have enough money for cab fare! My tux didn’t come back from the cleaners! An old friend came in from outta town! Someone stole my car! There was an earthquake, a terrible flood, locusts! It wasn’t my fault! I swear to God!

Hope it’s worth the wait. Let me know if you’re still here…

New Dann Gunn Project!

The World Yet Made

A new project by Dann Gunn, featuring David Facemyre has hit the streets. Dann and David composed the Outta Toon Podcast theme song so if you like that style of sound, head on over to Bandcamp and listen to “The World Yet Made.”

68: I Want To Live Forever

I know. This episode is weird. Quirky. Kinda freaky. Hey, it’s the vaccines, okay? Maybe the anti-vac people are on to something after all. Anyway, on this show I discuss vaccines, good music, Cameo and trying to control fame. At least I think that’s what I discussed. I can’t remember. I’ll try again tomorrow. See you soon, friends.

6: Interview with Dann Gunn

Dann Gunn co-created the theme music to Apocaleptic. He’s been a musician most of his life in bands such as “The Square,” “Velocipede” and as a solo artist. You can listen to most of his music on his BandCamp site or at danngunn.com. We both were dedicated young Christians in our early life and had similar artistic influences and listened to many of the same Christian bands. In the interview we discuss keeping faith, losing faith, living life as an artist and staying inspired as a creator. The interview makes the show run a bit long but it’s a podcast and we can do whatever we want. I hope you enjoy it.