78: Namaste Is As Namaste Does

Welcome to a new week, friends! I checked out the film “Killers Of The Flower Moon” this week. Give it a look if you like disgusting characters who make everyone’s life hell. Kind of like me with this podcast. I was thinking about significant moments in my life like when I became a man and when I was (basically) told I couldn’t sing. No one else knew how significant those moments were but I still knew. Also, I have to face the fact that I suck at the basics of spirituality. Maybe I should just give it up. I dunno. I’ll probably keep trying. Interview show with Mike Faber coming up Thursday. It’s a good one. Don’t forget about it. See you then.

53: Murdered At The Piggly Wiggly


It’s a great cool breezy day in the ATL. Rare but I’ll take it. As I get older, I’m concerned more and more about ageism. More specifically, what can everyone be doing out there to make my old man life much easier? It’s something we all should be focusing more on. I have a great idea for a new podcast which I have decided to completely turn over to you. Seriously. Go do it. Make millions. Just give me a shout out, okay? I’ll talk with you again later this week.