75: I’m Not the Turkey, You’re the Turkey!

Welcome, friends, to the new, old, Outta Toon Podcast! Hope you enjoy your stay! Today, I’m planning a holiday dinner menu, planning a substantial haircut and planning on never watching Hallmark Christmas movies again. Yeah. Good luck with that. Let’s discuss air travel and the destruction of expensive guitars and how to de-escalate conflicts at your family Thanksgiving gathering. I’m not an expert at any of those things but I’m an old white guy and I’m allowed to pontificate about things I know absolutely nothing about, right? Do me a favor and share the podcast this week. It really helps. See you next week!

12: Because I Could Not Stop For Death with Guest Maria Fernandez

Apocaleptic 12 Stop For Death

In this episode I bring in a special guest to discuss death. We try not to be too morbid about the whole thing, but Maria just went through the death of her mom and has some valuable experience and advice to share. Plus, she’s my wife and it was fun having her in the studio. Hopefully, no one else has to die before she comes back.

Apocaleptic is a solo podcast recorded in Atlanta and hosted by Rick Baldwin.
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