51: Coughing and Coffee

cigarette coffee

Greetings Apocaleptic fans! How are you so far this week? I’ve got so much happening in June: closing down my gallery, starting new ventures, being called for jury duty and a non-stop coughing dog. It’s all the things I asked for last Christmas. I didn’t do a second show last week because… well, let me explain. I’ve been thinking about stuff. It’s all a bit spooky and metaphysical and I didn’t want to freak you out. So, I’ll just freak you out this week. Thanks for listening. Stop by and say “hi” sometime.

41: When Life Gives You Lemon Water

41 Lemon Water

Greetings everyone! Still here. Still surviving. How about you? This week I notice some of my tastes have changed. I must get to the bottom of it. It’s National Poetry Month so I read one of my own poems called “Knoxville, Summer 1985.” Feel free to submit one of yours and I’ll be happy to read it on the podcast. I’ve been recently trying to figure out what parts of “me” are real and what parts are illusion. The truth is, it’s mostly illusion. probably the same with you too. See you next time, friends!

11: Trashing Old Stuff

Aocaleptic 11 Trashing Old Stuff

Today I had a small panic attack about boxes of old stuff. We all have to confront our old stuff at some point and figure out if we’re going to trash it or keep it stored somewhere. I think it’s time for me to confront some bad habits I’ve developed. Can it be that real people are more valuable than protecting my own ego? Holy crap, how can that be true? I send out my first album reviews in this episode. Christmas albums by Amanda Shires and Billy Idol come under the examination spotlight. Hope your holidays are going well, my friends. Keep in touch!

Apocaleptic is a solo podcast recorded in Atlanta and hosted by Rick Baldwin.
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