96: Tales From The Butt

I’m starving here. No food for 24 hours. No food or drink for the next several hours. Today is my colonoscopy. So much fun. Looking forward to a beer and fries though. Also, this weekend is the big birthday. Getting old is not too bad. Might as well celebrate it. I’ll keep you updated. Thanks for hanging out, friends. See you again soon.

51: Coughing and Coffee

cigarette coffee

Greetings Apocaleptic fans! How are you so far this week? I’ve got so much happening in June: closing down my gallery, starting new ventures, being called for jury duty and a non-stop coughing dog. It’s all the things I asked for last Christmas. I didn’t do a second show last week because… well, let me explain. I’ve been thinking about stuff. It’s all a bit spooky and metaphysical and I didn’t want to freak you out. So, I’ll just freak you out this week. Thanks for listening. Stop by and say “hi” sometime.

19: Worship Me!

Apocaleptic 19: Worship Me!

Hello friends! Welcome to episode 19 of Apocaleptic! We’re almost out of our teens and soon will be of legal drinking age and on the prowl! This week I’m considering the food dishes that it’s impossible to screw up. Also, I iaccidentally nvent a pretty great holiday beverage even though it’s long after the holidays. Why do we need holy men? Holy people? Don’t they just exist to make us feel bad about ourselves? Time for them to go away! It was fun making this show for you this week. Hope you enjoy it.