83: Old Acquaintances All Forgotten

It’s the last show of the year and I put a lid on Christmas, prepare for the coming apocalypse and wonder if I have any more packages coming my way. Thanks to everyone who spent a little time listening to the podcast. Let’s hope next year the show will get good enough where you can not be embarrassed to tell other people you listen. Just don’t tell your mom. She’ll hate it.

81: Hay, It’s Christmas!

This week I revisit an old discussion on the best Christmas tartans. Always good for discussion at holiday time. Additionally, I discuss girl apartment smells, nostalgic Christmases and making a difference in small ways. Things that seem worthy of attention at this festive season. Thanks for checking out the show. Reach out and say “hi” some time.

80: Nog For Your Noggin’

Cousin Eddie

Hi friends! Speaking of friends, how are yours? Friends, I mean. Do you have any who are difficult to deal with? Is it time to consider cutting them loose? Sometimes it’s worth evaluating. I’m enjoying a bit of eggnog so I decided to do an eggnog show. History of the nog, making the nog and spiking the nog. Now go have a cup of that sweet, fatty elixir. Weird, that was my old college nickname. See you Thursday.

75: I’m Not the Turkey, You’re the Turkey!

Welcome, friends, to the new, old, Outta Toon Podcast! Hope you enjoy your stay! Today, I’m planning a holiday dinner menu, planning a substantial haircut and planning on never watching Hallmark Christmas movies again. Yeah. Good luck with that. Let’s discuss air travel and the destruction of expensive guitars and how to de-escalate conflicts at your family Thanksgiving gathering. I’m not an expert at any of those things but I’m an old white guy and I’m allowed to pontificate about things I know absolutely nothing about, right? Do me a favor and share the podcast this week. It really helps. See you next week!

14: Lubricating the Pole

Apocaleptic 14 Lubricating the Pole

This is the last show before Christmas. Is it our Christmas episode?? Nah, I don’t think there is a proper Christmas episode this year. Nonetheless, I discuss Santa Claus and becoming an unbeliever. Also, you probably don’t know everything you really need to know about the North Pole. So, in honor of the big fat man, here are some facts for you. Geez, I really shouldn’t talk about myself that way, should I? Merry Holidays everyone!