100: 100th Episode With Special Guest Cheri Brown

It’s the 100th Episode of the Outta Toon Podcast! For this very special show, I wanted to have as my special guest, my original podcast partner Cheri Brown. For those of you who don’t know, Cheri and I started podcasting in 2013 and created the Life In A Kilt Podcast and This Epic Disaster podcasts together. We had a bit of a falling out a couple years ago but we recently patched things up so its a good time to discuss what happened and what’s been going on. For those of you who know, well, you’ll be happy to hear this show. Thanks for sticking with me for 100 shows, my friends. It’s been fun. Let’s keep it going, okay?

99: Your Mom’s Butt

Greetings Tooners! I’m back from my Minnesota vacation and all primed for a new show. This week I discuss fasting, traveling with dogs, having an Orange Julius at the Mall of America, and being stalked way too many times for an ugly dumb guy. How have you been? Are you getting your house all decorated in festive display for next week’s 100th Episode? I am! We’re putting up our tree tomorrow! Can’t wait. See you soon.

98: Manly, Yes, But I Like It Too

Hi friends! I’m heading out on vacation tomorrow. Taking our dogs but we’re leaving the cats behind. Hope they’re going to be okay. I’m a little anxious about it. Someone will be house sitting and checking on them but I’m still stressed about it. Got a lot of things packed up in my travel tote. It’s not a purse! I swear! At least I don’t think it is. Dudes are carrying purses now days. I guess it’s okay. Right? Oh man. I’ll let you know how it all goes. See you next week.

97: This Podcast Sucks

Hi folks! Welcome to episode 97 of the Outta Toon Podcast! We’ll soon be at our 100th show! This week I give an update on life events, look at some strange people and happenings around the world and discuss how we are all artists. I was told this week that the podcast sucks, which most of us already know, so I tried to make this one extra sucky. Let me know if it worked. See you next week, friends.

Sharing A Birthday Cigar

Well, I told you I would share a birthday cigar with you and here it is! Come hang out with me as my birthday winds down.

96: Tales From The Butt

I’m starving here. No food for 24 hours. No food or drink for the next several hours. Today is my colonoscopy. So much fun. Looking forward to a beer and fries though. Also, this weekend is the big birthday. Getting old is not too bad. Might as well celebrate it. I’ll keep you updated. Thanks for hanging out, friends. See you again soon.